My favorite among the collection of dumb superstitions common to Jehovah's Witnesses and JW(dot)ORG is the one about a gigantic invisible alien from the Alcyone sector who makes Thanos and Zenu look like underweight schoolboys. This alien, they will tell you, is the Universal Sovereign.
Nathan Natas
JoinedPosts by Nathan Natas
JWs And Superstitions
by NotFormer inprompted by a mention in a different thread.. cracks in the sidewalk, a pinch of salt over the shoulder, black catsđââŹ; do jws have such superstitious beliefs.
are they allowed to?
would they be counselled if the elders became aware?.
Former Jehovah's Witness admits: We targeted grief-stricken as 'ripe fruit'
by Londo111 in
jehovah's witnesses target grief and see the recently bereaved as "ripe fruit" for conversion, a former elder of the faith says.. vince and michele tylorâ spoke out after reading the story of wellington woman jean sergent-shadbolt, who received a handwritten letter from a jehovah's witness three months to the day after her step-cousin, friend and flatmate died.. a current senior elder of the faith says it has no policy to target grieving, and those who do so are acting on their own initiative.
however, he concedes such people may feel guided by jehovah's witness literature.. but vince tylor said he knew of members who would trawl though obituaries to find grieving people, or visit cemeteries.. "not only do we see watchtower printed material suggesting and supporting writing letters from obituaries such as what jean received, but we even have reports and articles of encouragement for jws to go to cemeteries to look for people as well.".
Nathan Natas
I have to speak up: this is painting with a very broad brush. OK some asshole JWs did this, but not all; not even most. A minority of uber-"spiritual" half-wits who were probably sociopathic with little compassion or empathy.
I was a pioneer and MS during the late 1960s/early 1970s. I never once thought of doing anything like this.
Are You Raising An Introvert?
by darth frosty inits not easy being an introvert in an extrovert worldespecially when youre a kid.
it is even more difficult if none of the adults in the kids life recognize that the child is an introvert.
this doesnt happen only when the childs parents are extroverts, but also with introverted parents who have never understood their own introverted nature.. .
Nathan Natas
For 73 years I thought I was introverted. It was only this year that I was able to ask myself this question and once I did SO MUCH of my past became clear; I was able to see the "why" behind many events from my past.
This revelation was not received with much joy; quite the opposite, but from the moment I first began seeing it, it had the ring of truth.
Are You Raising An Introvert?
by darth frosty inits not easy being an introvert in an extrovert worldespecially when youre a kid.
it is even more difficult if none of the adults in the kids life recognize that the child is an introvert.
this doesnt happen only when the childs parents are extroverts, but also with introverted parents who have never understood their own introverted nature.. .
Nathan Natas
Consider this, if you will:
JW Elder Sentenced for CSA
by EasyPrompt in
Nathan Natas
Brothers and Sisters are urged to send Jay Aaron Smith Vaseline. LOTS of Vaseline.
Sign of the Last Days
by Fisherman inin the sermon on the mount, jesus foretold that earthquakes âin one place after anotherâ would be part of the sign of the last days clĂmaxing in the great tribulation.. what could jesus possibly have meant?
using a phone app nowadays, there are earthquakes detected in one place after another but is this what jesus meant and did they have so many earthquakes throughout the centuries affter his prophecy or are these modern day detected earthquakes unique to this epoch?
how can we be sure unequivocally that modern day earthquakes are part of the sign fulfilling bible prophecy?.
Nathan Natas
Personally, I find the prophecy of renown scholar Peter Venkman much more convincing, "...dogs and cats living together...."
Retirement savings
by TxNVSue2023 inwhat's the current jw stance on retirement savings?
i know it changed.
pre1975 it was an attitude of "don't worry about retirement, this system is ending soon".
Nathan Natas
TxNVSue2023, don't you see the irony in the fact that here you have a concrete, real-world example of a Watchtower teaching that has had a serious negative effect on the financial lives of faithful JWs, possibly even yourself, and your conviction that is the "true religion"?Jehovah God must have some sort of mental disease to be the source of suffering (through intentionally misleading unwise teachings) for the people he claims as his own. Would you inflict this kind of abuse on your own children or ANY child?
NO! The intentionally misleading unwise teachings of The Watchtower come from men; ignorant, foolish men who live a life of cloistered ease while they bleed their impoverished "flock" for more and more money, much of which is used the pay the settlements of lawsuits brought by members who have suffered extreme abuse at the hands of some of these ignorant, foolish, deviant men. Where is the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Sagely advice of a CO
by Vidqun inâa circuit overseer started out by saying that on this last round of the circuit, the one thing he noticed the that everyone is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained...and that cuts across all barriers and demographics within the truth.
he then said that the one common thread that ran among nearly everyone was this: we feel guilty for feeling bad.
he said because we are told to endure with joy, our minds can cause us to feel enormous guilt over feeling this way...and then, my dear brothers and sisters...he proceeded to blow our collective minds.. he asked us to turn to daniel 8:27âŚ.
Nathan Natas
Isn't it WONDERFUL that the C.O. was able to use the Book Of Fables to assuage the ennui of the exhausted and depressed Brothers and Sisters?
Revitalizing "water" flowing from the culvert beneath the throne of JW.ORG!
SALIVATION is by WORKS, not grace! Grace was the singer with Jefferson Airplane, and has no place in the lives of loyal Dubnauts!
Faded then apostate?
by Teddnzo inif someone has faded so they are not known as a jw for a few years there is no need to be disfellowshiped or announced that they are no longer a jw.. so they wouldnât need to be shunned the same way as if they did a hard exit like writing a letter or something.. so if evidence arose that such a faded person was sinning there still would be no need to announce that they were no longer a jw the same as if they were known as a jw.
family members and members of the congregation would not shun them?.
what would happen if such a faded person became apostate?
Nathan Natas
Teddnzo opined, " they wouldnât need to be shunned the same way..."
Except that you are overlooking the main purpose of Disfellowshipping: PUNISHMENT and HUMILIATION."The first step to becoming an apostate is baptism."
Is Tony Morris a Nonce / Pedophile
by MebyonKernow inthis has just been posted on youtube regarding tony morris and the reason why he was removed as a gb member and 'relocated'.is tony morris a pedophile / nonce? me know your thoughts down below.celtic.
Nathan Natas
BoogerMan offered, "I see REDDIT has stopped people from adding comments to the TM111 post. Wonder why?"One reason *could be* that Alexis Ohanian, one of the founders of Reddit, is the husband of the international JW star Serena Williams. Serena is a zealous defender of the wackadoodle cult she calls "the truth", even though she ignores most of her cult's rules.